Results for 'Giorgio J. Moro'

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  1.  46
    Pilot-Wave Quantum Theory with a Single Bohm’s Trajectory.Francesco Avanzini, Barbara Fresch & Giorgio J. Moro - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (5):575-605.
    The representation of a quantum system as the spatial configuration of its constituents evolving in time as a trajectory under the action of the wave-function, is the main objective of the de Broglie–Bohm theory. However, its standard formulation is referred to the statistical ensemble of its possible trajectories. The statistical ensemble is introduced in order to establish the exact correspondence between the probability density on the spatial configurations and the quantum distribution, that is the squared modulus of the wave-function. In (...)
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    Electromagnetic-Gravitational Modifications of Ether- Atmosphere in Kantian Physische Geographie: The Meteors.Giorgio J. Mastrobisi - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 597-605.
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    ¿Qué es el conocimiento? La epistemología en los EEUU hoy.Richard J. Umbers & Enrique Moros - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico 36 (77):633-671.
    In this article the chief lines of current American epistemological thought are outlined, as are the criticisms which each of these perspectives has received. A special emphasis is placed on the distinction between internalism and externalism. Mutual criticisms are made between the foundationalists and the coherentists, and the reliabilist standpoint is developed in detail in order to show that Virtue Epistemology is able to capture some of the best intuitions arising from the justification of belief.
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    Thinking Critically in Medicine and its Ethics: relating applied science and applied ethics.Daniel A. Moros, Rosamond Rhodes, Bernard Baumrin & James J. Strain - 1987 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 4 (2):229-243.
    ABSTRACT While interest in philosophy and medicine has burgeoned in the past two decades, there remains a need for an analysis of the intellectual activity embodied in good medical practice. In this setting, ethical and scientific decision‐making are complexly interrelated. The following paper, collaboratively written by physicians and philosophers, presents a view of applied (clinical) science and applied ethics. Making extensive use of illustrations drawn from routine case material, we seek to indicate a variety of philosophic issues to be found (...)
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  5. Survival with an asymmetrical brain: Advantages and disadvantages of cerebral lateralization.Giorgio Vallortigara & Lesley J. Rogers - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):575-589.
    Recent evidence in natural and semi-natural settings has revealed a variety of left-right perceptual asymmetries among vertebrates. These include preferential use of the left or right visual hemifield during activities such as searching for food, agonistic responses, or escape from predators in animals as different as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. There are obvious disadvantages in showing such directional asymmetries because relevant stimuli may be located to the animal's left or right at random; there is no a priori association (...)
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  6.  46
    Chronic Illness and the Physician-Patient Relationship: A Response to the Hastings Center's "Ethical Challenges of Chronic Illness".D. A. Moros, R. Rhodes, B. Baumrin & J. J. Strain - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (2):161-181.
    The following article is a response to the position paper of the Hastings Center, “Ethical Challenges of Chronic Illness”, a product of their three year project on Ethics and Chronic Care. The authors of this paper, three prominent bioethicists, Daniel Callahan, Arthur Caplan, and Bruce Jennings, argue that there should be a different ethic for acute and chronic care. In pressing this distinction they provide philosophical grounds for limiting medical care for the elderly and chronically ill. We give a critical (...)
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  7. Le philosophe et la muse.Giorgio Agamben & J. Rolland - 1994 - Archives de Philosophie 57 (1):87-89.
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    Oriental Studies IV: Paintings from Islamic LandsSpanish Romanesque SculptureGerman Illumination: Carolingian Period and Ottonian PeriodThe Bigallo, the Oratory and Residence of the Compagnia del Bigallo e della Misericordia in FlorenceSaggi e memorie 6.J. Wise, R. Pinder-Wilson, Porter A. Kingsley, Adolph Goldschmidt, Howard Saalman & Giorgio Cini Foundation - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (2):283.
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    Forming an asymmetrical brain: Genes, environment, and evolutionarily stable strategies.Giorgio Vallortigara & Lesley J. Rogers - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):615-623.
    The present response elaborates and defends the main theses advanced in the target article: namely, that in order to provide an evolutionary account of brain lateralization, we should consider advantages and disadvantages associated both with the individual possession of an asymmetrical brain and with the alignment of the direction of lateralization at the population level. We explain why we believe that the hypothesis that directional lateralization evolved as an evolutionarily stable strategy may provide a better account than alternative hypotheses. We (...)
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  10.  48
    Distinguishing Virtues from Faculties in Virtue Epistemology.Enrique R. Moros & Richard J. Umbers - 2004 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 42 (1):61-85.
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    Neural correlates of deception.Giorgio Ganis & J. P. Rosenfeld - 2013 - In Judy Illes & Barbara J. Sahakian (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Oxford University Press.
    This article describes key paradigms employed to assess deception and reviews the main neuroscience-based technologies that have been employed to investigate the neural correlates of deception: electroencephalography, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and transcranial direct current stimulation. Any potential use of neuroscience-based methods to detect deception in real-life situations requires successful classification in single subjects. It describes findings on the single subject performance of these methods and addresses the effects of two factors that are problematic for all deception detection methods, the (...)
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  12.  47
    Beyond the blank slate: routes to learning new coordination patterns depend on the intrinsic dynamics of the learner—experimental evidence and theoretical model.Viviane Kostrubiec, Pier-Giorgio Zanone, Armin Fuchs & J. A. Scott Kelso - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  13.  18
    Complementary Specializations of the Left and Right Sides of the Honeybee Brain.Lesley J. Rogers & Giorgio Vallortigara - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Honeybees show lateral asymmetry in both learning about odours associated with reward and recalling memory of these associations. We have extended this research to show that bees exhibit lateral biases in their initial response to odours: viz., turning towards the source of an odour presented on their right side and turning away from it when presented on their left side. The odours we presented were the main component of the alarm pheromone, iso-amyl acetate (IAA), and four floral scents. The significant (...)
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  14.  33
    Justice: An Historical and Philosophical Essay.Philosophie du Droit.Giorgio Del Vecchio, Lady Guthrie, A. H. Campbell, Georges Del Vecchio & J. Alexis D'aynac - 1954 - Philosophical Quarterly 4 (15):191-192.
  15.  2
    Leçons de philosophie du droit.Giorgio Del Vecchio & A. B. J. - 1936 - Recueil Sirey.
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    Notes & Correspondence.Giorgio de Santillana, J. Keynes, Herman Henkle, E. Kennedy & C. Hellman - 1958 - Isis 49 (2):173-178.
  17.  97
    Simple Models in Complex Worlds: Occam’s Razor and Statistical Learning Theory.Falco J. Bargagli Stoffi, Gustavo Cevolani & Giorgio Gnecco - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (1):13-42.
    The idea that “simplicity is a sign of truth”, and the related “Occam’s razor” principle, stating that, all other things being equal, simpler models should be preferred to more complex ones, have been long discussed in philosophy and science. We explore these ideas in the context of supervised machine learning, namely the branch of artificial intelligence that studies algorithms which balance simplicity and accuracy in order to effectively learn about the features of the underlying domain. Focusing on statistical learning theory, (...)
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  18. Di pietro) 410.J. A. De Vito, P. H. Reaney, Claude Lapointe, Rodney D. Huddleston, Giorgio Tagliacozzo & Hayden V. White - 1973 - Foundations of Language 9:444.
  19.  14
    A concepção de subjtividade em Lèvinas: da solidão da hipóstase ao encontro com a alteridade.Jacqueline de Oliveira Moreira & S. J. Moro - 2010 - Educação E Filosofia 24 (47):55-72.
    Introdução a Levinas a partir da discussão sobre a problemática da subjetividade.
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    Deplantation of the Placenta in Maternal–Fetal Vital Conflicts.Peter J. Cataldo, William Cusick, Becket Gremmels, Cornelia Graves, Elliott Louis Bedford & Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco - 2015 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 15 (2):241-250.
    In this essay, some of the signatories to “Medical Intervention in Cases of Maternal–Fetal Vital Conflicts: A Statement of Consensus” respond to “The Placenta as an Organ of the Fetus: A Response to the Statement of Consensus on Maternal–Fetal Conflict,” both recently published in this journal. The response examines Bringman and Shabanowitz’s claims and assumptions about the morally relevant pathologic condition in some cases of peripartum cardiomyopathy complicated by a subsequent pregnancy, the moral status of a normally functioning placenta, and (...)
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  21.  29
    Justice.W. J. Rees, Giorgio DelVecchio & A. H. Campbell - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (4):597.
  22.  96
    Potentialities: collected essays in philosophy.Giorgio Agamben - 1999 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Daniel Heller-Roazen.
    This volume constitutes the largest collection of writings by the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben hitherto published in any language and all but one appear in English for the first time. The essays consider figures in the history of philosophy (Plato, Plotinus, Spinoza, Hegel) and twentieth-century thought (Walter Benjamin, Heidegger, Derrida, Deleuze, the historian Aby Warburg, and the linguist J.-C. Milner). They also examine several central concerns of Agamben: the relation of linguistic and metaphysical categories; messianism in Islamic, Jewish, and (...)
  23.  60
    A Minimalist Solution to Jørgensen's Dilemma.Giorgio Volpe - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (1):59-79.
    This article develops a fresh approach to Jørgensen's Dilemma on the basis of Paul Horwich's “minimalist” view that our notion of truth is implicitly defined by the instances of the equivalence schema “The proposition that p is true if and only if p.” The “deflationary” claim that the truth predicate, far from referring to any deep property of propositions, merely plays the logical function of enabling us to take certain attitudes (e.g., acceptance or rejection) towards propositions the content of which (...)
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  24.  70
    Handbook of Legal Reasoning and Argumentation.Colin Aitken, Amalia Amaya, Kevin D. Ashley, Carla Bagnoli, Giorgio Bongiovanni, Bartosz Brożek, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Samuele Chilovi, Marcello Di Bello, Jaap Hage, Kenneth Einar Himma, Lewis A. Kornhauser, Emiliano Lorini, Fabrizio Macagno, Andrei Marmor, J. J. Moreso, Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, Antonino Rotolo, Giovanni Sartor, Burkhard Schafer, Chiara Valentini, Bart Verheij, Douglas Walton & Wojciech Załuski (eds.) - 2011 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    This handbook offers a deep analysis of the main forms of legal reasoning and argumentation from both a logical-philosophical and legal perspective. These forms are covered in an exhaustive and critical fashion, and the handbook accordingly divides in three parts: the first one introduces and discusses the basic concepts of practical reasoning. The second one discusses the main general forms of reasoning and argumentation relevant for legal discourse. The third one looks at their application in law as well as at (...)
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  25.  10
    La filosofía analítica y la encíclica "Fides et ratio".Enrique R. Moros - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (65):697-724.
    The criticism of Bernstein on the encyclical Fides et ratio, claiming that it does not take into account the progress made by the best philosophies of this Century on the analysis of truth, is false. This paper show that the encyclical does take into account the achievements of analytical epistemology. Also it says that the even challenges analytical philosophy to deal with even more important issues such as the role of metaphysics in the analysis of human knowledge and conceptual language.
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    The Emergence of Biomathematics and the Case of Population Dynamics A Revival of Mechanical Reductionism and Darwinism.Giorgio Israel - 1993 - Science in Context 6 (2):469-509.
    The ArgumentThe development of modern mathematical biology took place in the 1920s in three main directions: population dynamics, population genetics, and mathematical theory of epidemics. This paper focuses on the first trend which is considered the most significant. Modern mathematical theory of population dynamics is characterized by three aspects (the first two being in a somewhat critical relationship): the emergence of the mathematical modeling approach, the attempt at establishing it in a reductionist-mechanist conceptual framework, and the revival of Darwinism. The (...)
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  27.  23
    The Multidisciplinary Guidelines for Diagnosis and Referral in Cerebral Visual Impairment.Frouke N. Boonstra, Daniëlle G. M. Bosch, Christiaan J. A. Geldof, Catharina Stellingwerf & Giorgio Porro - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionCerebral visual impairment is an important cause of visual impairment in western countries. Perinatal hypoxic-ischemic damage is the most frequent cause of CVI but CVI can also be the result of a genetic disorder. The majority of children with CVI have cerebral palsy and/or developmental delay. Early diagnosis is crucial; however, there is a need for consensus on evidence based diagnostic tools and referral criteria. The aim of this study is to develop guidelines for diagnosis and referral in CVI according (...)
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  28.  19
    An Interdisciplinary Ethics Panel Approach to End-of-Life Decision Making for Unbefriended Nursing Home Residents.Nancy Neveloff Dubler, Rani N. Rao, Giorgio R. Sansone, Cheryl A. Dury & Howard J. Finger - 2022 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 33 (2):101-111.
    For those with advanced life-limiting illness, the optimization of quality of life and avoidance of nonbeneficial treatments at the end of life are key ethical concerns. This article evaluates the efficacy of an Interdisciplinary Ethics Panel (IEP) approach to decision making at the end of life for unbefriended nursing home residents who lack decisional capacity and have advanced life-limiting illness, through the use of a ninestep algorithm developed for this purpose. We reviewed the outcomes of three quality-of-care phased initiatives conducted (...)
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    Null.Doohwan Ahn, Sanda Badescu, Giorgio Baruchello, Raj Nath Bhat, Laura Boileau, Rosalind Carey, Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu, Alan Goldstone, James Grieve, John Grumley, Grant Havers, Stefan Höjelid, Peter Isackson, Marguerite Johnson, Adrienne Kertzer, J.-Guy Lalande, Clinton R. Long, Joseph Mali, Ben Marsden, Peter Monteath, Michael Edward Moore, Jeff Noonan, Lynda Payne, Joyce Senders Pedersen, Brayton Polka, Lily Polliack, John Preston, Anthony Pym, Marina Ritzarev, Joseph Rouse, Peter N. Saeta, Arthur B. Shostak, Stanley Shostak, Marcia Landy, Kenneth R. Stunkel, I. I. I. Wheeler & Phillip H. Wiebe - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (6):731-771.
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    Non-assertoric speech acts: Introduction to the topical collection.Lwenn Bussière-Caraes, Luca Incurvati, Giorgio Sbardolini & Julian J. Schloeder - 2024 - Synthese 204 (5):1-4.
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  31. Tonpsychologische Gestalten : pieces of a theory of tonal fusion by J.F. Herbart and C. Stumpf.Nadia Moro - 2011 - In G.-J. Boudewijnse & S. Bonacchi (eds.), Carl Stumpf: From philosophical reflection to interdisciplinary scientific investigation. Wien: Krammer.
  32.  49
    Origin of language and origin of languages.Giorgio Graffi - 2019 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 1 (1):6-23.
    The question of monogenesis vs. polygenesis of human languages was essentially neglected by contemporary linguistics until the appearance of the research on the genetics of human populations by L. L. Cavalli-Sforza and his collaborators, which brought to light very exciting parallels between the distribution of human populations and that of language families. The present paper highlights some aspects of the history of the problem and some points of the contemporary discussion. We first outline the “Biblical paradigm”, which persisted until the (...)
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  33. Alle origini di una vocazione politica: J. Maritain e Primauté du spirituel.Giorgio Campanini - 2009 - Studium 105 (5):649-656.
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  34. La unidad del conocimiento: desde la especulación a la ciencia (introducción a la dendrognoseología).Giorgio Tagliacozzo - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:207-238.
    Como continuación de su artículo "My Vichian Journey: A Chronology", el autor ofrece ahora una introducción a la ciencia por él concebida: la "Dendrognoseología". Esta ciencia, cuyo principal referente es la "Ciencia Nueva" de Vico, prosigue la inmemorial preocupación humana y erudita por la unidad del conocimiento. No se trata, sin embargo, de otra concepción especulativa, sino de una ciencia; siendo ¿merced a su batería de principios única y constante¿ una estructura histórico-taxonómica independiente de toda visión del mundo, la "Dendrognoseología" (...)
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  35. The ITALK Project: A Developmental Robotics Approach to the Study of Individual, Social, and Linguistic Learning.Frank Broz, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, Tony Belpaeme, Ambra Bisio, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Luciano Fadiga, Tomassino Ferrauto, Kerstin Fischer, Frank Förster, Onofrio Gigliotta, Sascha Griffiths, Hagen Lehmann, Katrin S. Lohan, Caroline Lyon, Davide Marocco, Gianluca Massera, Giorgio Metta, Vishwanathan Mohan, Anthony Morse, Stefano Nolfi, Francesco Nori, Martin Peniak, Karola Pitsch, Katharina J. Rohlfing, Gerhard Sagerer, Yo Sato, Joe Saunders, Lars Schillingmann, Alessandra Sciutti, Vadim Tikhanoff, Britta Wrede, Arne Zeschel & Angelo Cangelosi - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (3):534-544.
    This article presents results from a multidisciplinary research project on the integration and transfer of language knowledge into robots as an empirical paradigm for the study of language development in both humans and humanoid robots. Within the framework of human linguistic and cognitive development, we focus on how three central types of learning interact and co-develop: individual learning about one's own embodiment and the environment, social learning (learning from others), and learning of linguistic capability. Our primary concern is how these (...)
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  36.  37
    Minimalism and Normative Reasoning: A Reply to Sean Coyle.Giorgio Volpe - 2002 - Ratio Juris 15 (3):319-327.
    This paper defends the “minimalist” solution to Jørgensen’s dilemma against the objections raised by Coyle (2002). As most of these objections stem from a misconstrual of the account of truth that underlies the minimalist solution, the paper is largely an attempt to provide a clearer statement of the “minimal theory of truth,” a sharper characterization of the features that distinguish it from other deflationary views, and a careful presentation of the minimalist account of the logical role of truth–ascriptions. The rejoinder (...)
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  37.  68
    Understanding Sexual Harassment a Little Better Reed and Bull Information Systems Ltd v. Stedman.Giorgio Monti - 2000 - Feminist Legal Studies 8 (3):367-377.
    This case note reviews the guidelines issued by Morison J. in the Employment Appeal Tribunal at the end of the decision in Reed and Bull Information Systems Ltd v. Stedman [1999] I.R.L.R.299. The author argues that while the judge’s decision is to be welcomed in adopting an approach more sympathetic to victims of sexual harassment, it also raises a number of problems by placing a burden on the victim to place the harasser on notice that she does not welcome his (...)
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    Boekbesprekingen.A. H. C. van Eijk, Eric Ottenheijm, Paul van Geest, H. Goris, Daniela Müller, C. T. M. [Kees] van Vliet, Ton Meijers, Veerle Fraeters, J. Vijgen, A. Brants, R. Welten, Giorgio Baruchello & Carlo Leget - 2002 - Bijdragen 63 (4):494-508.
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    A. H. Basson and D. J. O'Connor. Language and philosophy: Some suggestions for an empirical approach. Methodos, vol. 5 , pp. 203–221. , pp. 49–65.) - A. H. Basson and D. J. O'Connor. Linguaggio e filosofia. Alcuni suggerimenti per un approccio empirico, Italian translation of the preceding. Methodos, vol. 5 , pp. 222–232. [REVIEW]Giorgio Sandri - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (3):535.
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  40. J. Calvini, Institutio Christianae Religionis. [REVIEW]Giorgio Tonelli - 1963 - Filosofia 14 (4):785.
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  41. J. Kant, Einleitung in die Kritik der Urtheilskraft. [REVIEW]Giorgio Tonelli - 1967 - Filosofia 18 (4):901.
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    Investigating reasoning with multiple integrated neuroscientific methods.Matthew E. Roser, Jonathan St B. T. Evans, Nicolas A. McNair, Giorgio Fuggetta, Simon J. Handley, Lauren S. Carroll & Dries Trippas - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  43.  54
    Worlds of Difference: European Discourses of Toleration, c. 1100-c. 1550 Cary J. Nederman University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000, x + 157 pp., $40.00, $18.95 paper. [REVIEW]Giorgio Baruchello - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (4):802-.
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    Review of C. Cesa, La filosofia politica di Schelling. [REVIEW]Giorgio Tonelli - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (4):487-488.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 487 61oign6 de Locke, qui a fait entrer les math6matiques dans la logique, il est leur successeur attitr6. II a 6pous6 une doctrine pacifiste encore plus imp6rative que celle de Voltaire. N'a-t-il pas lui aussi cherch6 a cultiver son jardin pour en faire un paradis terrestre, et ce n'est certes pas sa faute ni celle de la raison humaine sice paradis s'estompe darts un avenir toujours plus (...)
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    The History of Astronomy. Giorgio Abetti, B. B. Abetti. [REVIEW]J. J. Nassau - 1953 - Philosophy of Science 20 (4):342-342.
  46.  41
    The Ethics of Surgical Interventions for Body Integrity Identity Disorder and Gender Dysphoria.Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1003-1023.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Ethics of Surgical Interventions for Body Integrity Identity Disorder and Gender DysphoriaNicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, O.P.IntroductionOn May 20, 2009, Fox News featured a report that described the life of a man named "John" who had spent his life struggling with Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID).1 In a phone interview, John admitted that he remembers wanting to amputate his leg when he was between seven and eleven years (...)
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    M. Bergamini : La collezione numismatica di Emilio Bonci Casuccini. Con testi di M. Bergamini, P. Bittarelli, S. della Giovampaola. Pp. 219, ills, pls. Rome: Giorgio Bretschneider Editore, 2001. Paper. ISBN: 88-7689-203-6. [REVIEW]J. D. Bateson - 2004 - The Classical Review 54 (2):573-574.
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    Inventaire de la correspondance d'André Rivet (1595-1650) (review). [REVIEW]Giorgio Tonelli - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (1):119-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 119 alienated, as a result of their doctrines, a large segment of the Islamic community. As a matter of fact the mu'tazilites were branded as infidels by the community. The remainder of the book, i.e. chapters 4, 5, and 6, are respectively devoted to the expected deliverer, the emphasis on struggle (jihad) and the friends of god. The essays concerning the expected deliverer and the friends of (...)
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    Logics of Ignorance and Being Wrong.David Gilbert, Ekaterina Kubyshkina, Mattia Petrolo & Giorgio Venturi - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (5):870-885.
    This article investigates the connections between the logics of being wrong, introduced in Steinsvold (2011, Notre Dame J. Form. Log., 52, 245–253), and factive ignorance, presented in Kubyshkina and Petrolo (2021, Synthese, 198, 5917–5928). The first part of the paper provides a sound and complete axiomatization of the logic of factive ignorance that corrects errors in Kubyshkina and Petrolo (2021, Synthese, 198, 5917–5928) and resolves questions about the expressivity of the language. In the second half, it is shown that the (...)
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    Beskrivelse uden sted.Jørn Erslev Andersen - 2015 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 72:127-140.
    The essay presents Giorgio Agamben’s theory of the paradigm in the first chapter of The Signature of All Things. On Method in order to better understand the well-known use of references to and qoutations from literature in philosophical reasoning and theory. Agamben’s uncommented reference to two short stanzas from Wallace Stevens’ poem “Description without Place”, which he consider the best definition of a paradigmatic ontology, is briefly commented. A gathering of three ‘literary singularities’ from Friedrich Hölderlin/Sophocles, James Joyce, and (...)
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